For us, coaching is essential for high-level, business minded folks to achieve their goals in not only business but in life. We ask that you understand the expectation of participation and the benefit you will receive, before committing to the program. If you are truly ready, we will get you where you want to go!



  • Broker groups

  • Associations

  • Other real estate organizations


  • $200 monthly per person-Sessions every other week

  • $400 monthly per person-Sessions every week

  • $150/$350 monthly per Subscription-A purchase of 2 months in advance

  • Refer a friend-$50 one-time discount per friend

*Ask about Broker discounts for company groups of 10 or more


All sessions are via Zoom, so no excuses!-We do everything we can to remove excuses from your life! Feel free to stay in your comfy clothes, snuggle with your favorite animal and settle in for a power hour of learning new practices and systems, while finding accountability to your own goals and ambitions in an online group setting.

The first two sessions are complete with an intro to business planning, a mission, vision and core values worksheet and a round table of sharing ideas and goals you want to accomplish each quarter. Each participant will be guided on best practices, statistics and systems ensuring each session is results-oriented. The 1st session is a duration of 3-hours and the 2nd is 2-hours but all following sessions in the quarter are 1-hour long.

Each participant MUST attend the 1st 2 sessions or wait until the next series begins. Because of the rigor of the 1st days, catching up will be impossible. It will be an exercise in time management and understanding just how important getting your business to the next level will be.

Sessions are by quarters, so plan on committing to the program for at least 3 months, after all, it’s hard to know if anything works in less than 3 months! Immediately, you will be asked to commit to your business and the life you want to live, so buckle up buttercup! It’s going to be an amazing 3 months!

Accountability is the name of the game! Each participant will have their “accountabilibuddies” to check in with, between sessions. No exceptions on this one, folks! Without accountability, we simply cannot give you the results you will be wanting, period! So be prepared to share your stuff with your buddy in between sessions!

Each day together will be guided by a pre-determined and relevant topic, a coinciding digital worksheet, ending with a week in review to ensure you are staying on track with your life goals and business commitments. You will be given proven, yet customized-to-you systems and strategies to ensure you stay with it by doing what you LOVE doing for lead generation and business building.

Each quarter we review your life & business plan to ensure you stay on track or adjust as necessary and yes, you must do a business plan! Tracking and measuring is what entrepreneurs and business owners have to do to stay on target and whether you realize it or not, you are a business owner and we do our best to make sure you know how to act and think like one.

This is YOUR business. You will be guided on best practices, based on what you want to achieve and how hard you want to work at getting there; Therefore the result is truly up to YOU. Life always gets in the way but with us and your group, you will learn how to navigate time and distraction to stay on track and find your way to success.


We will sit down with you ahead of the class and explore exactly what your matrices are showing and what results you would like to see from the class. We are big into customization and each Broker offers something different and most don’t offer enough to ensure agent success but now you can!

We will send you a workshop outline for approval, make any adjustments you deem necessary and guide you along the way. We pull from our library of unique offerings that can set you apart from other Brokerages in not only what you train but how you train them.

We consider the Broker a team member! We will always refer to you so that when we leave, your are seen as a knowledge source and go-to leader. We are only as successful as you are after we leave! Ensuring your success is the only way to go and we make sure you are supported throughout the training and beyond.

We are a tech-forward and green company, so all materials will be provided in digital format only. You may certainly print anything we send to you. We will also provide your agents with a recycled paper Success Journal to be used throughout the workshop to jot down ideas, doodles and anything else that keeps them engaged and following through on those ideas! We recommend that you encourage continue the journaling practice if they are not already doing so.

We offer a completely virtual experience for you and your agents, removing all excuses of bad commute, dirty clothes and stopping for gas. We believe online learning is here to stay and we are great at engaging your agents and getting them excited about what they are learning. They will be able to take relevant and deal maker information into their businesses immediately.

We provide 1, 3 and 5-day workshops, depending on need and the results that are desired. We share high-energy and high-level lead gen systems, follow up strategies and business building basics that most agents miss, to ensure engagement during the workshop and follow through to success, afterward.

Accountability is key here, so we will follow up with you and suggest accountabilibuddies at the completion of the workshop, to help ensure continued success amongst the participants. This is a daily check-in via text, call or email focusing on doing what they said they would do, sharing ideas and lifting each other up. We encourage you to keep up this practice with them, and from our experience, will create a more cohesive and driven culture in the office!


All workshops are curated for the needs of the Brokerage or office, no matter the size or structure. What are your agents needing, missing or asking for, that we can help with? We find that having us in, the agents are all hearing the same valuable and curated content at the same time, big things can happen!


  • Brokerages, offices or associations of any size

  • Similar level of experience or need per group is advised


  • $1000 per half day-4 hours

  • $1500 per full day-7 hours


We are true believers in the Mastermind and provide a traditional solutions-oriented experience. This is not a coaching, mentoring or training session. This is meant to empower the participants by guiding them on solving particular issues in their business or the profession. Masterminds are meant for producing agents who want to elevate their standard of care, increase production or improve their business systems and strategies. For more information on the origin of the Mastermind, click here.


  • Top producers

  • Experienced agents

  • Office or Broker staff/leadership

  • Similar level of experience or need per group is required




  • Pricing-$1500 per Session

  • Multiple Session or Subscription Discount-$500

  • Refer an Office-$500 discount

  • I am happy to come to you! If located out of the San Francisco Bay Area, hit the contact button to inquire about travel information and additional costs for my visit.



This group will require 5-10 participants to be in what we call “the circle of knowledge” and are generally 2 hours long. With less than 5 or more than 10, the function of the Mastermind gets blurred. From our experience, the magic is in the number! This group will also be made up of top producers and experienced agents ONLY and these must be done live.

We will deep-dive on 1 pre-determined topic per session and create results that can be utilized immediately in their life and business. The point of this higher level training is to take each subject and find real solutions, ideas or new ways of doing things to benefit the group as a whole and take back into their life and business immediately.


An observer is a new or reemerging agent who needs to hear high-level practices for their own education and are welcome to sit outside the circle with no number requirement or limit. We find that reserving the circle for just the experience practitioners serves as a way for top producers to find growth within your office, connection, comradery and alignment amongst their peers.

Observers may not interject at any time but are welcome to ask questions after the completion of the session. When a new agent, less experienced or less successful agent interferes with the circle’s trend of thought two things happen; one, the circle becomes chaotic and getting to the Mastermind answer takes longer or frustrations occur; two, the much-needed reverence for those that know more and have found their success is lost. The observer will get their day and it becomes a time of celebration and accomplishment within the office.

Because we always want to appreciate a top producers time, they are not required to stay for questioning but we will always stay to walk anyone through their questions to gain their own insights on the answer. The feedback from the observers circle is important because they are allowed to hear themselves and find answers to their own questions with our guidance. This is a powerful result and provides insight to handling their own business and the many questions that come up as one is new and growing.

Each session is completely different in energy and scale and always has to do with the participants and their willingness to participate. As with any group environment, the energy folks come in with will set the tone. We like to make sure a realistic expectation is set, as this session is not run by us but by the group. We keep everyone on task and ask high-level questions that are geared to help the participants find their answers.

We do not recommend Masterminds be held more than once per month. These are intense sessions and we suggest that both the Circle of Knowledge and the Observers have time to reflect, utilize their newfound knowledge and connect with one another in between Masterminds.